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Alexa Connell, BEXSc

Alexa Connell, BEXSc

Alexa Connell, BEXSc

Lead Wellness Specialist

Alexa is CRHC's Lead Wellness Specialist. She provides several personal training services to the community and employees as well as being involved in the Therapy Department's PT to CPT program, wellness coaching, group exercise classes, and Phase III Cardiac Rehab Program

She loves the hands-on work  personal training requires, loves to help make a difference in people's lives, and contributes to the health and well-being of our community. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her husband, her daughter Quinn, and two dogs! 

To inquire about personal training opportunities with Alexa, please call the Rehab & Sports Medicine Center at 712-542-8224.


  • Bachelor of Exercise Science (BESXc) 


Aquatic fitness, geriatrics, and sport-specific training


Weekdays at several locations in Clarinda

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